Welcome to Molyobka, the UFO's paradise — RTD

2021-12-14 12:11:41 By : Ms. Cecilia Liu

The village of Molyobka, or Area 51, is a strange area in the taiga in Russia. According to Forbes, it is one of the eight best places to find aliens. There are many reports on mysterious flying objects, glowing balls and human figures of different sizes and forms. In addition, some people claimed that they felt they were floating in the air or heard strange, otherworldly sounds when exploring the area. Konstantin Rozhkov of RT went to Molyobka to determine whether these reports were valid. To join Constantine’s journey, listen to the premiere of Molyobka today!

The Molyobka anomaly zone, or "Perm triangle", is about one kilometer long on the border between Sverdlovsk and Perm regions. This place is famous for the supernatural phenomena believed to have occurred here. Many tourists, journalists and researchers claim to have seen colorful flashes, heard strange sounds, and experienced incredible feelings. Some people claimed to have seen UFOs in Moriobka, while others claimed to have traveled through time and space. Some scientists believe that Molyobka is a "place of energy" where the energy of the earth is released.

In 1982, when geologist Emil Bachurin was studying the Russian coniferous forest, he suddenly saw a bright blue glow above the forest. Unfortunately, he did not reach the woods and spent the night in the coniferous forest. In the morning, the flash disappeared. However, when Emil finally got there, he saw a big circle printed on the snow. The scientist believes that the painting is the result of a flying saucer landing on Moriobka. He also claimed that he came into contact with alien civilizations while studying the area.

Around the same time, the local Pavel Sergeyev said that in the summer of 1980, he saw the fall of a celestial body. According to him, the object fell into the pond and produced waves more than 10 meters high.

In 1989, Soviet journalist Pavel Mukhortov published an article in the Soviet Youth Daily about his contact with alien civilizations in Molybka.

At the same time, the Communist Youth League Pravda published an article about another person who claimed to be "contact in space." These publications aroused great public interest in the Moriobka area and attracted a large number of scientists and tourists into the area.

Research on archives shows that as early as the 18th century, people wrote about unexplainable phenomena in the area. The popularity of the site peaked in 1989-1992. Today, it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Perm region.

Many scientists refute the theory of supernatural phenomena and believe that Molyobka is just a place to release the energy of the earth. Some researchers believe that Molyobka can improve physical and mental health: people who come here can get rid of anxiety and stress and be energetic. They calm down, anxiety and stress disappear, and more energy appears. It is believed that different parts of the area produce the most beneficial energy: for example, the so-called "healthy grassland".

Konstantin Rozhkov of RT went to the Molyobka triangle to experience its power and uncover its mysteries. He met locals during the trip, and they seemed to fit all the myths about Area 51.

Valery Yakimov, also called Stalker here, is one of the smartest representatives of the local community. He is considered to be the most experienced guide in the anomalous area of ​​Molyobka. Many people claim that they have discovered an extraordinary phenomenon in the area, but Stalker is one of the few people who has captured a phenomenon on tape.

Stalker said he shot a bizarre orange ball on the outskirts of Moriobka in 1995. For many UFO hunters, this video is still the biggest evidence that aliens have visited Russia.

Another local, Konstantin Rozhkov, had the opportunity to run a grocery store. The crew were surprised that the lady told them about her alien experience so casually. It's as normal as brushing your teeth.

This lady is eager to share her story: it seems that even with tourists, the locals feel very isolated. After telling the story of the flying saucer, she soon entered her life story, which included a miraculous recovery from a serious illness.

"There is a century-old pine tree on which I was healed. My husband took me there."

"Are you healed by a pine tree?"

We heard similar stories from a lady at the local post office or someone who worked in a lumber mill. Every villager we talked to told us about the strange and inexplicable things they encountered while living in Moriobka. They deal with it calmly.

What other magical stories about Molyobka do the locals tell RT? Watch the premiere of Konstantin Rozhkov's documentary now and find out!

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